Circle Of Security

About this course
An 8 week Parenting Group for parents with babies and children up to 5 years of age.
The group is designed to enhance the bond and sense of security for both parent and child in their relationship by:
- Giving parents a roadmap as a way to better understand their children's needs.
- Inviting parents to reflect on their own experiences of being parented and how it impacts on their parenting.
- Providing a safe environment where parents can explore their strengths and struggles as parents.
It is a closed group which builds on from week to week, so commitment to attend is expected.
Why Choose “Circle Of Security”
It is an internationally recognised evidence based program which draws from 50 years of research into attachment.
Acceptance into the group is dependent upon an interview by one of the facilitators either by telephone or face-to-face at Tresillian to ensure the group is appropriate for the individual’s needs.
Fees apply to non-Medicare Card holders.
Group registration is available to residents of NSW and ACT.
Course Details
Course Enquiry
Tresillian Wagga Wagga 48 Docker Street Wagga Wagg NSW 2650